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法国爆发"黑色星期四"运动占领空置房 左派人士力挺。蜗居者诛杀市场经济,法国爆发文革运动占领空置房,镰刀铁锤和货币等值,都可以购房!


Tags关键字:* 中国特色资本主义,文化大革命,蜗居,市场经济的罪恶,市场经济危机,法国爆发文革运动,空置房,房地产,房价,资本主义,法国,左派,全民分红,卧野观天,革命最好赚!

1 条评论:

Anonymous 说...

Having seen an near friend going trough a difficult period due to a sickness caused through using cigarettes I made it my own mission to save as many other individuals as is possible from the very same experience, but shortly I realized that it doesn't matter how good your arguments are it is nearly impossible to make a smoker quit smoking, not necessarily because your arguments aren't good enough and not necessarily because the smoker isn't willing to stop but merely because nicotine is a more addictive drug than heroin as well as cocaine (scientifically proven).

I Then found out that there's in reality a way to quit smoking without giving up smoking, thus give a smoker their pleasure and also habit but save him or her from the damaging effects of cigarette smoking.

What I am speaking about are electronic cigarettes. You can read about all the negative effects associated with smoking cigarettes and the way a [url=http://electroniccigarette0.com/]electronic cigarette[/url] could help you quite smoking cigarettes or simply permit you to follow your current habit and obtain your kick with no harmful side effects associated with cigarettes on my internet site http://electroniccigarette0.com

P.S. I really hope this will not get removed due to having a hyperlink to my web-site as I merely try to inform and help.

God be with you

Chrissy M.